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Integral Energy Program
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Our Community (2:41)
Part 1: Personal Development Course: A Quick Warm Up Before the Real Work Begins. Mastering Self-Communication, Authenticity, and Reaching Higher States of Consciousness.
Personal Development Program: Mastering Self-Communication and Authenticity
Personal Transformation Module 1
Module 1: Surface Layer (What You Say) (14:10)
Module 1: Chapter 2 Surface Layer (What You Say)
Personal Transformation Module 2
Module 2: How You Say It (Tonality) (4:20)
Module 2, Chapter 2: Tonality and the Emotional Spectrum
Personal Transformation Module 3
Module 3: Intention Behind Your Communication (8:20)
Module 3: Chapter 2 Levels of Intention in Communication
Personal Transformation Module 4
Module 4: Overall Level of Self-Esteem (5:31)
Personal Transformation Module 5
Module 5: Understanding Filtered Lenses
Module 5: Chapter 2: Exploring and Understanding Filtered Lenses
Personal Transformation Module 6
Module 6: Creating and Overcoming a False Persona
Module 6: Chapter 2 Creating and Overcoming a False Persona
Personal Transformation Module 7
Module 7: Building Self-Awareness and Reading Limitations in Body Language and Posture
Personal Transformation Module 8
Module 8: Building Self-Awareness
Personal Transformation Module 9
Module 9: Embracing Authenticity
Personal Transformation Module 10
Module 10: Fostering Personal Growth
Personal Transformation Module 11
Module 11: Practicing Gratitude
Personal Transformation Module 12
Module 12: Reaching Bliss States by Opening the Heart
Personal Transformation Module 13
Module 13: Understanding Non-Duality and the Relativity of Good and Bad
Personal Transformation Module 14
Module 14: Embodying the Void and Reaching Enlightenment
Conclusion of the Personal Transformation Course
Recommended Reading List
Part 2 Energy Work
Introduction (38:36)
Week 1: The Basics
1: Understanding Energy (26:46)
2: Preparing for Energy Activation (12:52)
3: Activation Techniques (13:06)
4: The Kundalini Awakening Process (22:14)
5: Potential Challenges and Dangers (18:15)
6 More about the dangers (1:24)
6b: Dark Night of the Soul vs Kundalini Syndrome (15:05)
7: Integrating Energy into Daily Life (7:03)
8. Should we call it Kundalini Activation?
Week 2: Chakras
Before we look at the Chakras. The Big Secret! (10:12)
The Chakra System Demystified (28:09)
Chakra Meditation
The Seven Levels
The Seven Levels of Alchemy (14:09)
The Seven Universal Laws (9:56)
Week 3: Nadis
1: The Science of Nadis
2: The Lunar Channel (7:10)
3: The Solar Channel (2:44)
4: Sushumna, the Central Nadi (7:47)
5: The Role of Nadis (11:09)
6: Nadi Vayu: Subtle Breath and Energy Flow
7: Awakening the Healing Potential of Nadis (2:22)
Week 4: Bandhas for moving the energy with intention
Working on these exercises
1: Understanding Bandhas and Their Significance (3:07)
2: Mula Bandha: The Root Pump (16:32)
3: Uddiyana Bandha: The Abdominal Pump (14:02)
Week 5: Bandhas for moving the energy with intention
4: Jalandhara Bandha and the First Secret Bandha (9:55)
5: The Second Occulted Bandha & the Maha Bandha: The Great Lock (13:50)
Week 6: Bandhas for moving the energy with intention
6: Bandhas, Pranayama and Breathwork (8:49)
7: Bandhas, Kundalini and Lightbody Awakening (9:45)
Week 7: Bandhas for moving the energy with intention
8: Bandhas and Meditation (7:09)
1: Ujjayi Breathing (11:40)
Week 8: The Art of Pranayamas and Breathwork
2: Inner Fire or Tummo Breathing (3:19)
3: Full Lung breathing and breathwork (4:49)
Week 9: The Dantiens or Granthis
Doing the exercises
1: Understanding the Dan Tiens (9:17)
2: The Lower Dan Tien: The Root of Vitality (7:29)
Week 10: The Dantiens or Granthis
3: The Middle Dan Tien: The Gateway to Harmony (8:44)
4: The Upper Dan Tien: The Seat of Spirituality (7:04)
Week 11: The Dantiens or Granthis
5: The Harmonious Dance of the Three Dan Tiens (2:54)
Week 12: The Microcosmic Orbit
1: Understanding the Microcosmic Orbit (8:56)
2: The Energetic Pathways and the Dan Tiens (7:58)
Week 13: The Auric Energy Bodies
1: The Human Energy System Revisited (9:21)
2: The Seven Auric Energy Bodies and Seeing Auras (10:50)
3: Nurturing and Harmonizing the Energy Bodies and Reviewing What We are Doing (17:40)
Week 14: Shadow Work and Trauma Release and Somatic Bodywork
Shadow Work, Trauma Release & Somatic Bodywork (13:23)
Shadow Work (22:33)
Changing Memories (15:08)
Week 15: Shadow Work and Trauma Release and Somatic Bodywork Continued
Trauma Release Via Hypnosis (4:49)
Somatic Bodywork (26:17)
Regular Self Clearing (6:21)
Week 16: Thinking about Kundalini and Prana
Thinking about Kundalini and Prana (11:27)
Vital Life Force Energy, Cosmic Energy and the 12 Kalis of Kundalini (13:13)
Week 17: Classical Tantra
1: The Origins and Philosophy of Classical Tantra (9:31)
2: The Tantra Path: Principles and Practices (5:34)
3: Tantric Scriptures and Texts (2:39)
4: The Dance of Divine Lovers: Shiva and Shakti (5:53)
5: Tantric Rituals and Meditation Techniques (13:29)
Week 18: Classical Tantra Continued
6: The Subtle Body: Nadis, Chakras, Kundalini and the Lightbody (6:34)
7: The Path of Enlightenment: Liberation and Oneness (12:51)
8: Opening the Heart to Open the Sexual Energy (22:16)
Week 19: Classical Tantra Continued
9: Tantric Massage
10. Awakening and Connecting to Tantra (28:36)
Week 20: Dualistic Thinking
The Dualistic Mindset (15:57)
Good and evil, fear based thinking and interpretation of visions and feelings (15:59)
Negative entities... daemons, djinn, fae etc (10:22)
Wu Wei and Zazen embracing the Non Dualistic Mindset
1: Wu Wei - Embracing the Flow of Life (17:00)
2: Zazen - The Practice of Silent Illumination (11:04)
3: Finding Harmony in Wu Wei and Zazen (6:59)
4: The Journey of Transformation into a Non Dualistic Mindset (8:37)
Week 21: The Body
The Basics of the Body in Meditation, Trance and Energy states. (9:09)
Central Nervous System (7:13)
Brainwaves (18:08)
Opening of the Energies Part 1
Using Intention & Attention to Open Up to Energy (6:59)
Practical Exercise to help you do this (10:39)
Working with Jing, Shen and Wei (5:43)
Tantra 2.0 (6:08)
Week 22: Opening of the Energies continued
Pranic Healing & Opening the Hands (5:58)
Pranic Healing Continued while we Opening the Fingers (4:11)
Connection To the Source and the final section of Pranic Healing (7:44)
Shaktipat and Spiritual Awakening Part 1
1: Understanding Light Body Energy, Kundalini Awakening & Shaktipat and its Significance (33:12)
2: The Steps of Awakening and controling energy through Light body activation & Shaktipat (22:08)
3: Embracing the Challenges of Awakening (8:42)
4: Nurturing the Awakened State (5:45)
Week 23: Shaktipat and Spiritual Awakening Continued
Tinnitus. The Ringing in your Ears (5:53)
Intuition and the Siddhis (6:54)
Beyond Shaktipat and Spiritual Awakening
1: The Continuation of Self-Discovery (22:44)
2: The Journey of Self-Realization (1:20)
Mastering the Mind
1: Mastering the Mind (12:32)
2: Shaking (2:15)
3: Slams (1:27)
4: Pillow Screaming (5:30)
Week 24: Opening the Chakras
How to do these exercises
1: First Chakra Meditation and Activation (28:55)
2: Second Chakra Meditation & Activation (22:39)
Week 25: Opening the Chakras
3: Third Chakra Meditation and Activation (30:19)
4: Fourth Chakra, The Heart Meditation (35:10)
Week 26: Opening the Chakras
5: The Fifth Chakra, The Throat Activation (25:30)
6: The Sixth Chakra Activation Meditation (29:02)
7: Seventh Chakra (28:28)
Week 27: Energy Exercises
1: Surrender to the Energy (11:25)
2: Release Programming and Ego via Shadow Work and Somatic Healing Advanced Exercise (8:57)
Week 28: Energy Exercises Continued
3: The Dantien & Micro Orbit Advanced Exercise (22:37)
4: The Advanced Chakra Exercise (10:58)
Week 29: Energy Exercises Continued
5: The Tantric or Jing Energy Advanced Exercise (21:27)
6: Starting to Develop an Empathic Connections (14:28)
Week 30: Energy Exercises Continued
7: Sending Energy (19:44)
8: Pulling Energy (16:14)
9: Intuition (11:33)
Week 31: Grounding
1: How to Ground Yourself (12:36)
2: How to Ground Others (4:31)
How Light Body Activation came to be
The Moment Light Body Activation was Born
Week 32: Energy Cultivation
1. Feeling your energy (22:43)
2. Connecting to someone else's energy rather than imagining it (11:09)
3. Controlling the Energy Space vs Moving Someone's Energy (25:16)
4. A Recorded Demo (22:06)
5. Chakra Balancing and Distance Healing (22:53)
6. Pumps and Tapping (9:53)
Week 33: Energy Cultivation cont
Micro Cosmos and Your Battery (6:19)
Connecting to the Source Energy (14:15)
Energy Sponging (12:08)
Powering up our Pranic Energy Channel. Earth Star Chakra (11:40)
Week 34: Opening of the Energies Part 2.
Embracing The 4 Elements (10:59)
Info from here on in.
Working the different levels of the body. Physical body, energy body, spiritual body (9:27)
Head Prana or Reiki Energy Massage (12:08)
Prana Energy Massage. Making people move.....? (15:59)
Balancing Shakti and Shiva Energy Massage. Charging and releasing. (6:54)
Tantra Energy Massage (8:43)
Kundalini Energy Massage (8:32)
Light Body Energy Massage (4:54)
Week 35: Opening of the Energies Part 2 cont.
Once flowing (9:02)
Seeing this in Practice (51:00)
Preparing for Kundalini Awakenings during the Intensive (4:20)
Week 36: De-armouring
Somatic Bodywork 2.0 De-armouring (11:06)
Somatic Bodywork 2.0 De-armouring Exercise (7:16)
Week 37: Opening the Sushumna
Increasing the flow in the Sushumna and preparing for Awakening (16:31)
Week 38 Shaktipat Week
Week 39-41: 21 days of Self Practice and Self Reflection
21 Days of Connection (5:59)
Self Reflection: Normal Programming and a Constant State of Bliss (10:33)
𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 (9:01)
Week 42-43: Sitting with the Energy and Initiation
Yoni Mudra (13:04)
Empathic connections and Intuition (10:36)
Week 44: Giving Sessions
Heart chakra to protect (10:36)
Educate don't just give energy (15:20)
Warming up a Client (7:18)
Ethical energy (12:30)
How to connect to your client (9:02)
Types of Touch (2:57)
Physical Body Scan and Somatic Release De-armouring (8:02)
Emotion Release Therapy and Tapping (5:49)
Tantric / Somatic Release in Distance sessions (15:50)
Energetic Body scan and the energy bodies being empathic (13:28)
Week 45: Giving Sessions
Giving vocal instruction (4:54)
Using a Pendulum (13:16)
Working Pranically, Tantrically or with a higher energy (8:24)
Always be learning (6:19)
Controlling the space (6:41)
Individual sessions and group sessions (21:00)
Music vs no music (23:31)
Typical reactions, mudras, asanas, energy orgasms, talking in tongues, gravity, emotional release, astral projections, visions, increased sex drive (18:53)
Coaching through the Dark night of the soul, energy detox, sleep patterns (8:52)
Lying down, sitting, energy circles (12:34)
Week 46: Giving Sessions
Practicing with other facilitators (8:09)
Session intention with private clients (3:16)
Using the Third Eye for Distance Sessions (12:10)
Closing a Session (7:17)
Business Practises
Local ads on facebook and youtube (18:39)
Building an Online Presence (15:13)
Local sessions or working online (10:12)
Pricing sessions (8:33)
Civil liability Insurance and waivers (6:41)
Taxes (1:47)
Week 47: Further Practices
Jing Energy (5:21)
Root Chakra Energy (3:29)
The Balance Moving Forward (2:40)
Prana (2:00)
Tantra (1:14)
Shakti (1:51)
Shiva (1:34)
Lightbody (2:03)
Combining all energy sessions in guided practise (2:15)
Week 48: What Now?
Element balancing (1:55)
Chakra balancing (1:49)
Exam time (3:17)
Conclusion (3:17)
Restoring Balance After or During a Kundalini Awakening: Techniques for Calming the Sympathetic Nervous System and Enhancing Yin Energy PDF Course.
Things of Interest
Videos and books for further study
A Simple Way to See Shadows: Understanding Filtered Lenses and False Personas
The 4 Layers of Self-Communication: Coaching Yourself and Others
Teach online with
2: The Tantra Path: Principles and Practices
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