4: The Kundalini Awakening Process

The Kundalini Awakening Process

Kundalini awakening is like embarking on a remarkable adventure, filled with stages that each bring their own unique experiences and challenges. In this chapter, we'll take a closer look at these stages, helping you navigate this exciting journey with mindfulness and patience.

Stage 1: The Awakening Begins

Picture the first stage of Kundalini awakening as the awakening of a sleeping giant, your dormant Kundalini energy starting to stir at the base of your spine. The early signs of this awakening can be quite different from one person to another, but here are some common experiences:

- You might feel unusual sensations of energy coursing through your body, almost like electric currents or a warm, soothing heat.

- You might experience spontaneous physical movements or jerks, often happening in your spine or limbs.

- Emotions might become more intense, bringing moments of joy, bliss, or even vulnerability.

- Your dreams might become vivid and you could have altered states of consciousness during sleep.

- You might find yourself yearning for deeper meaning and a stronger spiritual connection.

As your Kundalini energy awakens, it might encounter some roadblocks or resistance along its path, causing physical and emotional discomfort. It's important to stay balanced and grounded during this phase, and practices like meditation, mindfulness, and pranayama can be your trusted allies.

Stage 2: The Rise of Kundalini Energy

In the second stage, which we call ascension, your awakened Kundalini energy begins its slow ascent through the central energy channel, known as the sushumna. It's like a gentle rise from the base of your spine up to the crown of your head.

As Kundalini makes this journey, it may activate and purify your chakras along the way, leading to heightened states of awareness and spiritual experiences. Here are some things you might experience during the ascension stage:

- You could feel powerful energy movements, often described as a "serpent" or "snake" gracefully moving through your spine.

- Your consciousness might take on new forms, giving you visions, inner illumination, or profound insights into the mysteries of life.

- Feelings of unity and oneness with the universe, transcending the boundaries of the ego.

- Expanded intuition and psychic abilities.

- Moments of spiritual ecstasy and deep inner peace.

While the ascension stage can be exhilarating, it may also present challenges. Practitioners may encounter resistance from the ego or face unresolved emotions and traumas coming to the surface. This can be a time of intense self-reflection and purification.

To navigate the ascension stage, seekers are encouraged to continue their meditation practice, cultivate self-compassion, and seek guidance and support from experienced mentors or spiritual communities.

Stage 3: The Next Piece of the Puzzle

In the third stage, known as integration, your awakened Kundalini energy merges with the crown chakra at the top of your head, creating a profound sense of spiritual unity.

In this integration phase, seekers often experience:

- Deep inner peace, crystal-clear wisdom, and a serene heart.

- An upsurge in creativity and intuition.

- Enhanced compassion and love for oneself and others.

- A powerful sense of purpose, deeply aligned with one's true self.

Integration involves assimilating the profound experiences and insights gained throughout the awakening journey into your daily life. It's a transformative time, and you might witness significant shifts in your beliefs, values, and life direction.

To support this stage, keep up your spiritual practices, prioritize self-care, and embody the wisdom you've gathered along the way. Building connections with like-minded individuals can be especially beneficial during this transformative phase.

Stage 4: The Awakening

When the Cosmic egg cracks you feel as though you and your consciousness is being sucked out the top of your head, to encounter a full OBE experience. This stage can be quite scary as you will have never felt anything like this before. You will come to understand the royal symbols given to Kings and queens at coronations and what a true king or queen is rather than a "leader of a nation" you could also say you understand what the bible is taking about with the "holy spirit". This stage can send you into a trance stage that can last from a few hours or a week or more. If this trance state you will be able to function (eat and sleep) yet going to work or driving might be out of the question!

Stage 5: The Realisation

When you come out of this you will find balance needs to be reestablished. Both energetically in the chakras and elements but also within you generally. Most likely you will have to change your entire life, perhaps friends... your eating habits may change... your entire life style... You will come to realise many things about everything... You can discover you have the power of some of the Siddhis... Here one could be given the title of Siddha.


The Kundalini awakening journey flows through 5 distinct stages: arousal, ascension, integration, awakening and realisation. Each stage is a treasure trove of unique experiences and challenges. Approach this journey with patience, respect, and self-compassion. Most people stop at stage 3 thinking they have "made it". Some may get to stage 4 or 5 yet realize they prefer to live in denial "in the matrix" and be. able to control egotistically the energies at will for profit (which after a time strangely seems to have many side effects).

Remember to keep yourself grounded and balanced throughout. Engage in practices that nurture emotional healing, self-awareness, and spiritual growth. Don't hesitate to seek guidance and support from experienced mentors and teachers.

Kundalini awakening is a sacred and transformative path, offering profound spiritual growth and self-realization. Embrace this journey with an open heart and a willingness to change, for through the awakening of Kundalini, you can discover the depths of inner peace, spiritual connection, and ultimate freedom. In our next chapter, we'll explore potential challenges and dangers that might arise during the Kundalini awakening process and how to overcome them.

NB: Just cos you can move energy does not mean you have reached stage 5. Many can move energies from stage 1 and this combined with spiritual ego is what gives Kundalini Activation "a bad name" and where the dangers lie! It is also why some say only Gurus and Siddhas should do this as technically a true guru has reached stage 5. (Reaching stage 5... does it make you a guru or a Siddha if you need a label? If you need a label you are not a Siddha or a Guru.)

"If you call yourself cool then you are not cool" just a little joke lol. #perspective

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